15min stretching

15Min Home Stretching Program

Static Stretching

– Focused solely on soft tissues; muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and joint capsules. You don’t have

to balance or stabilise yourself to stretch.

– You are in a relaxed state so you can target the specific soft-tissues you’re targeting.

– The goal is to increase your stretch tolerance. Which means how far you can stretch a muscle before

you feel it pull.

Seated Hamstring Stretch:

Hold: 30 sec

Sets: 2


1) Sitting on a chair with chest tall and both knee bent.

2) Straighten one leg whilst keeping the other knee bent.

3) When straightening the knee, make sure the foot is flat the

entire time (this may mean slit bend in the knee)

4) Keeping chest up, lean into the straight leg.

5) Emphasise pushing the bum back as you lean forward.

6) You should feel a stretch in the belly of the back of the thigh.

Seated Glute Stretch:

Hold: 30 sec

Sets: 2


1) Sitting with chest tall and knees bent.

2) Bring one leg over the other, clasping the knee with both


3) Push your bum back on the chair and keeping chest tall.

4) Pull the knee to your chest.

5) Stretching the glute (bum) muscle on that side.

Standing Quadriceps Stretch:

Hold: 30 sec

Sets: 2


1) Standing against a pole or wall for balance.

2) Pulling the heel to the buttock, hold with hand.

3) Relax the body and continue to pull the heel to the buttock.

4) You want to feel the stretch at the front of the thigh.

Standing Calf Stretch:

Hold: 30 sec

Sets: 2


1) Standing on the edge of a step.

2) Place heel off the edge of the step with the ball of the same

foot on the step.

3) The other foot will be resting on the step.

4) Drop the heel down off the edge of the step with the ball of

the foot still on the step

5) Keep the knee straight and stay upright.

6) The stretch will be behind the shin.

Standing Chest Stretch:

Hold: 30 sec

Sets: 2


1) Stand Facing a pole or edge of a door.

2) Put your forearm with elbow bent at 90 degrees on the edge of door or pole.

3) Stand next to your positioned arm.

4) Turn your body away from your arm whilst it is placed on the

edge of the door or pole with elbow at 90 degrees

5) You should be opening up the angle at your shoulder.

6) This will stretch the Pec Major Tendon and anterior shoulder



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