5 Principals of TAC Clinical Framework

All our TAC patients and clients here at Moonee Valley Health and Fitness are treated following the TAC Clinical Framework.

The Clinical Framework is a set of five principles to help all our allied health professionals (Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Dietetics) that we use to achieve the best possible outcomes for you after you have been injured in a transport accident.

By applying the 5 principles of Clinical Framework, it helps achieve the best possible outcomes for you as one of our TAC clients.

What is the purpose of the TAC Clinical Framework

  • Optimise patient participation at home, work and in the community, and to achieve the best possible health outcomes for your injury
  • Sets TAC’s expectations for the management of injured people
  • Provides a set of guiding principles for the provision of healthcare services for all involved (injured people, healthcare professionals and decision makers)
  • Ensures your treatment plans are goal orientated, evidence based and clinically justified

What Are The 5 Principals Used?

  1. Measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment.
  2. Treatment should result in a measurable benefit to your injury

  3. Adopt a biopsychosocial approach.
  4. We consider the biological, psychological and social factors that influence your health as part of their assessment and treatment interventions.

    A biopsychosocial approach improves function, facilitates recovery and maximizes independence, while minimising the risk of long-term activity limitation, participation restriction, or persistent pain.

  5. Empower your patient to manage their injury.
  6. The main ways to empower an injured person are education, setting expectations, developing self-management strategies and promoting independence from treatment.

  7. Implement goals focused on optimising function, participation and return to work.
  8. Goals are developed in collaboration with, and agreed to by you, the injured person.

    Goals should be functional and SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed.

  9. Base treatment on the best available research evidence.
  10. We always aim to use the best available research evidence to inform our decision making, on your treatment plan.

    Watch TAC’s Short Video Explaining the Clinical Framework

    For information on TAC Injuries and what support you can get visit – http://www.tac.vic.gov.au/

    How MVFit can help you

    We are part of your healthcare team. You can get treatment immediately after your transport accident without initial approval from the TAC.

    If it’s been more than 6 months since you had any treatment or service paid for by the TAC, you will first need to contact the TAC to find out if they can pay for your treatment.

    Speak with your doctor or speak to our team to create your plan. The more complex your health needs, the more interaction you are likely to have with a larger and more diverse team of health professionals. It is important to share information about your medical treatment across the team.

    Book an Initial Appointment

    If you have already received a TAC claim number you can start receiving treatment immediately after your transport accident and you do not need to contact the TAC for approval.

    Our private rehab clinic and gym is located at 378 Mount Alexander Road, Travancore VIC 3032 with appointments for exercise physiology and physiotherapy available 6 days a week from 5.30am to 8.00pm (by appointment only).

    The allied health and physical therapies we currently have at our clinic is Physiotherapy & Exercise Physiology.

    If you’d like to book and initial appointment with our Physiotherapy team or Exercise Physiology team learn more here



exercise physiology, framework, Physiotherapy, tac

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