WHO – Health Recommendations and Exercise

WHO - Stay Healthy COVID

Stay Healthy - To Beat COVID-19

The World Health Organisation (WHO) are the #UnitedNations health agency. They are committed to achieve better health for everyone, everywhere - #HealthForAll.

During this current COVID pandemic the WHO have been the goto organisation in the world to inform us all of how to best combat the virus.

Recently they have released recommendation to highlight how staying fit and active can help beat COVID-19. 

If the doctors at WHO are recommending this information, hopefully the Victorian Government can follow their lead in providing the same recommendation and support for everyone here in Melbourne, VIC.


🍊 eat a healthy diet

🚭 no tobacco

🏃‍♀️ be physically active

🍻 stop harmful use of alcohol

COVID-19 risk factors haven't changed since the pandemic began – obesity, heart, disease, lung disease and diabetes put you at much higher risk for both short- and long-term complications. It's imperative that we all make real change now to stay healthy given that exercise is an essential part of life.

We are in the health business. That’s what we care about more than anything!

Obesity increases risk
Healthier People can more easily fight off the disease
smokers get severe covid symptoms
WHO - Stay Healthy COVID
  • References - Further Reading


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