DVA Funded Exercise Programs

Our DVA funded exercise rehab programs and our gym memberships are specifically designed for Veterans, to keep you active, mobile, pain free and healthy.

Our program combines a multi-disciplinary approach looking at fitness, movement, flexibility, pilates, diet and exercise. It is designed to achieve long lasting results in clients and has already delivered outstanding results!

Are you are looking for any of following and are a Gold or White Card holder?

  • DVA Funded Exercise Programs
  • Free Fitness for Veterans
  • Veterans Gym Memberships
  • DVA Wellness Programs

Our team of Allied Health Professionals are here to help Veterans like you

Studies have shown that regular exercise can be used to combat the symptoms of PTS, and can help with depression and anxiety that has been noted in soldiers or first responders transitioning into different roles.

We have physiotherapy, exercise, dietetic and exercise rehabilitation services for all Gold and White Card holders covered by DVA’s health care arrangements. To be eligible for our program you will need a referral from your GP and be eligible for treatment services under DVA. Private options for the program are also available.

Our aim is to always treat and devise an exercise regimen for veterans based on their condition, and to provide them with the skills to manage the exercise component of their treatment on their own.

DVA does not fund ongoing, regular participation in exercise programs or ongoing group exercise supervision by exercise physiologists.

If veterans wish to continue with an exercise program following their treatment, it becomes a private arrangement between the veteran, the gym and our exercise physiologist.

To learn more visit – https://www.mvfit.com.au/our-services/dva/


dva, exercise physiology, exercise program, gym, Physiotherapy, veterans

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