Building allied health capacity to support people with disabilities
The Victorian Government is developing a capability framework, tools and training packages to assist allied health professionals to support people with disabilities and complex support needs. Resources will also be developed to assist people with disabilities, their families and carers to navigate allied health services.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is changing the way disability services are funded and accessed to ensure all people with disabilities get the support and services they need and deserve.
A highly skilled and professional workforce is the foundation of a high quality NDIS. Our Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists and Dietitians play an important role in delivering the scheme.
Supporting people with disabilities and complex support needs is an area of allied health practice that requires additional training after professionals attain entry-level qualifications. However, there are no consistent state or national frameworks to support allied health capability development in this area.
This project aims to build allied health capacity to improve outcomes for people with a disability and is a priority under Keeping our sector strong, Victoria’s workforce plan for the NDIS.
How can you participate?
They have developed two surveys to shape the capability framework and they will be open until Nov 7th 2019.
As a person with a disability, carer or advocate
Share your thoughts about what makes a good allied health professional.
What makes a good allied health professional? This will help us improve the ways allied health services support people with disabilities.
This survey is for people with disabilities, carers and advocates.
Questions 1 to 4 ask about you.
Questions 5 to 7 ask about an experience you have had with an allied health professional.
As an allied health professional
Share your thoughts about which key capabilities allied health professionals need to develop to support people with disabilities and complex support needs.
This survey is for allied health professionals in Victoria with an interest in workforce development to improve outcomes for people with disabilities. Your views will help shape the Allied Health National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Capability Framework and the approach to strengthening these capabilities through professional development opportunities.
People with disabilities who have complex support needs can face multiple barriers to accessing appropriate and timely services. Complexity often encompasses high levels of support needs across various areas of life, including physical, psychological, behavioural and social. Responding to complex support needs often involves multiple service systems including health and disability/NDIS, as well as mental health, child protection and family support, early childhood development, education and training, employment, housing, transport and justice service systems.
Victoria’s Allied Health NDIS Capability Framework will identify capabilities for allied health professionals to support people with disabilities and complex support needs.
We are a recognised NDIS service provider based in Melbourne for Exercise Physiology, Personal Training, Physiotherapy and Dietetics. For more information of our NDIS services visit – call our clinic (03)9996-0790 or fill out our online NDIS referral form.
Registered NDIS Provider
We are a recognised NDIS service provider based in Melbourne for Exercise Physiology, Personal Training, Physiotherapy and Dietetics. We provide community based neurological and general rehabilitation for our NDIS clients, based in their home and their community throughout Melbourne, VIC.
Our clinicians include:
Exercise Physiology
Personal Training
For more information of our NDIS services visit – call our clinic (03)9996-0790 or fill out our online NDIS referral form