Fitness Testing
What is Fitness Testing?
Every 8-12 weeks we run Group Fitness Testing sessions to help track your progress throughout the year.
This is the best way to see how your training program is going and also what you may need to work on. Our aim to motivate you and give you the skills and techniques to better improve your overall strength and fitness levels.
Using a range of cardio, strength and general fitness testing, this gives us a good indicator on your monthly progress so we can make adjustments to your training program accordingly. There is no better feeling than beating you Personal Best (PB) so let us lead the way!

In our Fitness Testing class’s we off a wide range of exercises and workouts and all of our Bootcamp classes are for all fitness levels.
Here is 2 examples of what you can expect here at MV Fit.
Session 1
Fitness Tests
- Push Ups/ Max
- Sit Ups / Min
- Burpees / Min
- Plank Hold / Max
- Wall Sit Hold / Max
- Dead Hang / Max
- V Sit Hold / Max
- Bench Press
- Deadlifts
- Shoulder Press
- BB Squats
- Chin Ups
- Hip Thrusts
Session 2
Cardio Fitness Tests
- 1km Run
- 2 km Run
- Rower / 500m
- SkiErg / 500m
- Airdyne / 50 cals
- Beep Test
For more information or to book in to the Fitness Testing class’s or any of our other types of group fitness sessions, please contact us via our enquiry form or if your ready to book select from our available New Starter Memberships above.