Clinical Pilates: What happens in your one on one initial consultation?

The key to an effective program is having a practitioner with additional qualifications in Pilates assess your body in a comprehensive way. This is a one on one appointment which includes a thorough history and physical examination and tests to assist in the development of a safe and effective program.

After your initial screening and with a few focus areas identified, getting comfortable on the reformer and setting up with your 5 key elements is essential to start with. Generally we will target the lower back, pelvis, lower limb and upper limb muscle groups in order to get the whole body moving.

The second part of the initial session will generally be focused on your own individual variances and creating your clinical pilates program.

You are now ready to move in to a small group class of maximum 4 participants, or you can remain seeing your instructor with 1 on 1 appointments.


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