Exercise Right Week 2022

Exercise Right Week 23 – 29 May 2022

Exercise Right Week (23-29 May), promoted annually by Exercise & Sports Science Australia, is all about inspiring people to live happier and healthier lives by empowering them through exercise. It also celebrates the Accredited Exercise Physiologist and their mission in empowering people to exercise right for who they are and their condition.

Exercise shouldn’t be a punishment, it should be FUN! We want to change the dialog around exercise to shift it from merely a weight loss tool to something that makes you feel good, physically and mentally. Moonee Valley Health and Fitness is proud to be involved in the campaign for change!

During Exercise Right Week, why not start talking to your patients and clients about exercise and how its prescription, in many cases, can be more beneficial than the prescription of medication to prevent and treat chronic conditions.

Exercise Right

Despite knowing exercise is good for us, half of all Aussie adults aren’t moving enough. A lot of the dialog around exercise turns it into a chore or punishment, creating a negative relationship between our minds and movement. We want to change that.

It’s not about weight loss. It’s not a punishment. Exercise is a celebration of your body. We’re designed to move!

This Exercise Right Week, we want to highlight some of the incredible physical, mental and social benefits of exercise (that have NOTHING to do with the number on the scale!).

Exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on common chronic diseases including blood pressure, cholesterol, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain. It is also the cheapest and most accessible medicine available.


  • I Move To Connect With Others
  • I Move For My Mental Health
  • I move For My Heart Health
  • I Move Because It Makes Me Happy
  • I Move For Fun
  • I Move For My Grandkids
  • I Move To Stay Fit And Strong
  • I Move To Keep Up With My Kids

Tell us your favourite reason to move!

So why not ensure that we add a dose of exercise right in our prescription for the prevention, treatment and management of these conditions? Book an initial consultation with our Accredited Exercise Physiologist at Moonee Valley Health and Fitness to assist with exercise management for chronic conditions.

When it comes to exercise, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s important to exercise right for your uniqueness – right professional, right place, right time.

You can learn more about Exercise Right Week as well as tools and tips to promote Exercise Right week at your workplace.

Get behind #ExerciseRightWeek from 23-29 May 2022

Your Chance to WIN!

Want to WIN a $1000 Visa giftcard? Just tell us your favourite reason to move (in 25 words or less) to go in the draw.

Competition closes Sunday 29th May 2022, and the winner will be announced Tuesday 31st May 2022.

Can we help you to Exercise Right?

Please contact the MVFit Exercise Physiology team as we know we can assist you with an exercise assessment and program to improve your health and general well-being.


clinic, EP, exercise physiology, Exercise Right, exercise right week, gym, Melbourne, MVFit

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